Posts tagged gut healing
3 Ways to Support Digestion Before you Start Eating

Why we want to optimise digestion before we swallow....

It may come as a surprise to some of your that optimal digestion actually starts even before we put anything in our mouth. What we do in the moments before we take a bite can play a pivotal role in how well we extract the nourishment from the delicious food we are about to ingest.

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Why we don't recommend low FODMAP for SIBO

Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) with a low FODMAP diet has become very popular over the last 5-10 years, with most practitioners who specialise in gut health recommending a low FODMAP diet to relieve symptoms. At the Well Belly Health Clinic, the low FODMAP diet is something that we do not ever recommend to our clients.

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Understanding Histamines on GAPS

Approaching the GAPS protocol (or any gut healing protocol) with a histamine intolerance is something I am asked about often. Understanding the role histamine plays can be very confusing when it comes to deciding the right approach, but one thing is clear, GAPS and healing the gut is the way to resolve histamine issues. Histamine is a compound which is found in some foods, and is also made in our own bodies. Histamines play an important role in our immune function, digestion and our brain function. For some people, damage to the gut can decrease the bodies ability to break down histamines, and an unbalanced gut flora can result in an overgrowth of histamine producing bacteria, these are just some of the conditions that can lead to histamine intolerance.

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