Posts in Understanding GAPS
The low-down on Enemas (including coffee enema instructions)

Why enemas?

Enemas are something that have been used for health reasons for thousands of years, and are a safe and effective way of supporting your body. There is a lot of stigma around their use, but 100 years ago in Europe, they were something that sat in everyones bathroom cupboard for regular use! Enemas are used for a variety of reasons, and we love them as an overall support for the body, and in particular, coffee enemas to support the liver. There are a number of different substances that can be added to enemas for a variety of different reasons, such as herbs to soothe and calm inflammation, and probiotics to support healthy gut bacteria and removal of parasites. Some of the reasons you might to an enema are:

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GAPS Healing Foods

GAPS is based on the most nutrient dense, healing foods for human health. When we provide our bodies with the building blocks they need to heal and repair, we are supporting it to do the job that it is meant to do! It is incredible how resilient our bodies are when we take away the things that are causing toxicity and inflammation, and provide it with the things that make us thrive. Starting out on GAPS can seem overwhelming, so a great place to start is to learn the healing foods and start introducing them to your diet one by one.

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What is the GAPS Protocol?

GAPS, or Gut and Psychology Syndrome, or Gut and Physiology Syndrome, is becoming a term that more and more people are familiar with. Do you have ANY digestive issues? How about anxiety or depression? OCD? Allergies, asthma or intolerances? Autoimmune disease? Unhealthy eating behaviour? Addictions? Are you overweight or obese? Does dementia run in the family?

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Meat Stock or Bone Broth...Which is Best for Healing?

Bone broth has been getting a lot of attention lately as the perfect food for gut healing, and whilst it is definitely beneficial, little known is that meat stocks are actually the most healing food for a damaged gut lining. Dr Natasha Campbell McBride (founder of the GAPS nutritional protocol) credits meat stocks with actually healing ulcerations in the gut lining, which is the root cause of many health issues.

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