Sole Water: A Tonic To Support Your Health


In the pursuit of holistic well-being, Sole Water, pronounced "So-lay," has been quietly gaining recognition. It stands apart from typical saltwater solutions, representing water fully saturated with natural salt and absorbing over 84 minerals in the process. The outcome is a potent source of nourishment for the body at a cellular level.

Our bodies naturally undergo repair and detoxification during sleep, consuming a significant amount of water in the process. Sole Water can act as a replenishing agent, aiding the body in rehydration after a night of restoration. Rich in essential minerals, Sole Water complements the body's natural detoxification processes.

The minerals and stored energy within Sole Water can provide a natural and sustained energy boost throughout the day. Sole Water may also stimulate the digestive system, promoting optimal food absorption and regularity. Integrating this elixir into your routine can contribute to improved digestion and overall gut health.

Some individuals have reported noticeable improvements in blood sugar levels after incorporating Sole Water into their daily regimen. Others have noticed it can have a natural anti-histamine effect as well.

As you can see the benefits of Sole Water extend far beyond mere hydration and detoxification. This remarkable elixir has shown promise in addressing various health concerns, including muscle cramps, bone health, weight loss, and promoting healthy skin, hair, and nails.

Equipment & Ingredients:

  1. A Glass Jar (preferably a wide-mouth mason jar)

  2. A plastic or non-metal lid

  3. 1-2 cups of Celtic Salt or Murray River pink salt

  4. Filtered water


  1. Fill the jar about 1/4 of the way with salt.

  2. Add filtered water to fill the jar, leaving headroom at the top (2-3cm).

  3. Put on the plastic lid and gently shake the jar.

  4. Leave the jar on the counter overnight to allow the salt to dissolve.

  5. The next day, check if there's still some salt on the jar's bottom. If so, the water is fully saturated and ready to use.

  6. If all the salt is absorbed, add more salt each day until some remains in the water.

  7. Store Sole Water on the bench at room temperature. Avoid using metal utensils to measure or touch the Sole with any metal object.

How to Use Sole Water:

Incorporating Sole Water into your daily routine is simple - Add 1 teaspoon of Sole Water to a glass of water each morning before consuming any other food or drink. Initially, start with a teaspoon and gradually work up to a tablespoon per day.

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