Back To School: A Guide to Lunchbox Success


As we prepare for kids to head back-to-school, the morning routine of packing the perfect lunchbox can sometimes feel like a daily marathon. Let's look at ways to transform those hectic morning hours into a breezy task by adopting a simple yet effective approach. We’ve popped our top tips below.

Night Before Prep: Embracing the Magic of Preparation

To pave the way for stress-free mornings, consider laying the groundwork the night before. Dive into the world of food prep by chopping veggies, packing snacks, and adding fruit ahead of time. Your future self will thank you in the morning.

Breakfast Power: Setting the Tone for Success

Start your child's day with a breakfast that's a powerhouse of nutrients. Whether it's a nutrient dense smoothie, eggs, or GAPS pancakes, kick-starting the morning with a great breakfast is the key to preparing them for a day filled with learning and fun!

After-School Delight: A Satisfying Finish to the School Day

Why not bookend the school day with a gut friendly after-school snack? Fresh fruit, yogurt, or a handful of nuts serve as perfect pick-me-ups, keeping those young minds fuelled for homework and extracurricular activities.

Nutrient-Dense Dinner: A Strong Finish for the Day

Finish the day on a high note with a nutrient-packed dinner that supports your child's overall well-being. A balanced meal incorporating proteins, veggies, and good fats ensures a nourishing end to the day.

Let's make this school year start a breeze for both parents and kiddos.