Healthy Digestion + Digestive issues


It may be common knowledge to you now if you’ve been following the clinic for a little while – we believe healthy digestion is a foundational aspect towards overall health. The way we digest our food directly impacts how our systems in our body work, this can be due to a range of things. One of the main ones being the domino effect that happens within our body when we aren’t absorbing the nutrients we are putting in. 

Malnutrition can occur when we are in a constant state of sluggish digestion or contrarily if we are digesting our food too quickly. There is primary malnutrition which can come from not consuming the right nourishing foods, and there is secondary malnutrition which can happen when our gut and digestive system isn’t working in proper order to deliver these nutrients to our bodies.  

Some signs you may be struggling with sluggish digestion:

  • Reflux

  • Bloating 

  • GERD

  • Burping after meals

  • Indigestion

  • Heartburn

  • Fatigue

  • Nutrient Malabsorption

Here at the clinic we like to focus on the root cause of why these things may be occurring and how to best repair sub-optimal digestion, to get your digestive system working like a well oiled machine! 

Fixing your digestion may seem like a complex and frustrating process, which it can be for some if you have been struggling with things like IBS, IBD, constipation or diarrhea for years. We want to make this process as clear, simple and as stress free as we can for these people - because we all know what stress can do to our digestion! 

We like to start with understanding the digestive process – this process starts in the mind believe it or not! When we take time to look, smell and engage our senses with our food this is a strong stimulant for gastric secretion which is a potent and essential digestive enzyme. The gut-brain connection is incredibly important for the way we absorb our food.

Our brain, and its interpretation of our surroundings, sends the necessary signal to the nervous system within the gut, also known as the enteric nervous system, that it is time to digest food. Now you can see how important it is to eat mindfully, slow and in a peaceful environment without distractions. 

What can you do to best prepare your stomach before meals to aid in optimal digestion?

Consuming apple cider vinegar in water or kraut juice before meals can help to produce stomach acid which is necessary to break down our food. 

There are also things you can do after your meals to assist with appropriate digestion. These include; gentle movement – a post dinner stroll is a lovely way to do this, along with warm cups of herbal tea, this is also such a great way to prepare yourself for a relaxing evening before bedtime. 

There are other key factors at play when it comes to creating a good digestive environment. 

We need to support bile flow to aid in fat digestion. Here are some things you can consume and do to help this flow:

  • Bitter leafy greens 

  • Beetroots in ACV 

  • Swedish bitters tincture

  • Pickles

  • Lemon tea

  • Celery juice

  • Coffee (organic + mycotoxin free of course)

  • Enemas

  • General liver support

Adding fats to meals to support bile emptying is also important, along with increasing your intake of fat soluble nutrients. 

Here are some great fats you can add to your meals:

  • Ghee

  • Butter

  • Coconut Oil

  • Slow cooked meats

  • Avocado

  • Cold pressed olive oil (not heated)

Now for the grand finale! Answering natures call! 

If nature is calling, you MUST answer it! Do not put it on hold! 

You can find positions that help you empty your bowels with less straining if that is an issue for you – elevating your knees on a stool or squatting is a well known manoeuvre in this arena! 

Our 10 Days to Kick-Start Digestion is a great way to start navigating any digestive issues you may be dealing with. You can read more about it here

If you feel you need more 1:1 help working through your digestive distresses don’t hesitate to get in contact with us, and book your first free 20 minute consultation here 


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