The Nutrient-Dense Power of GAPS Shakes


When it comes to supporting liver health and promoting regular bowel movements, a simple but effective remedy is the GAPS shake. GAPS shakes offer a natural and nutrient-dense approach to digestive wellness.

What Are GAPS Shakes?

GAPS shakes are a blend of fresh-pressed juice, home-brewed sour cream, and pastured chicken egg yolks. This combination is believed to aid in liver function while promoting regular bowel movements and supporting overall digestive health.

Why GAPS Shakes?

GAPS shakes offer a holistic approach to supporting liver health and promoting regular bowel movements, while also being nutrient-dense. Here's how each component contributes:

  1. Fresh Pressed Juice: Packed with vitamins, minerals, and enzymes, fresh juice nourishes the body and supports detoxification.

  2. Home-Brewed Sour Cream: Rich in probiotics, homemade sour cream promotes a healthy balance of gut bacteria. This supports digestion and may help alleviate symptoms associated with irregular bowel movements.

  3. Pastured Chicken Egg Yolks: Egg yolks are a concentrated source of nutrients, including choline, which supports liver function and bile production. By supporting liver health, egg yolks indirectly aid in the digestion process, promoting regular bowel movements.

Tips for Preparation and Consumption:

  • Freshness Matters: Drink the juice within 30 minutes of juicing to retain maximum nutritional value. Freshly pressed juice contains enzymes that degrade rapidly, so the sooner you consume it, the better.

  • Consider Alternatives: If you're unable to tolerate dairy, coconut oil makes an excellent substitute for sour cream. Additionally, juicing apples on their own can provide similar benefits for liver health and promoting regular bowel movements.



1 cup of fresh squeezed vegetable juice - you can start with carrot juice as a base but a lovely combination is carrot, celery, spinach, beetroot and ginger - but customise to suit your tastes. Please note: keep beetroot to 5% of the total juice made.

4 tablespoons of sour cream (or ghee, coconut oil, butter softened)

2 egg yolks


If using sour cream

Combine all ingredients in blender and blend for a few seconds low speed. Enjoy!

If using ghee, coconut oil or butter

Combine the juice and eggs in blender and blend for a few seconds on low speed.

Whilst blender is still going, slowly add the fat so it emulsifies.
