Bye-Bye Bum Itch with Our DIY Cream


Are you sick of the discomfort and itchy that comes with recurrent worms or parasites? Below we have put together our recipe for Itchy Bum Cream, a natural solution to alleviate the discomfort of recurrent worm and parasite infestations.

Itchy Bum Cream is formulated with two simple ingredients: Diatomaceous Earth and coconut oil. This blend harnesses the cleansing properties of Diatomaceous Earth, known for its ability to eliminate parasites and toxins from the body, while coconut oil soothes and moisturises irritated skin. Whether you're dealing with the persistent itchiness associated with worms or simply seeking relief from discomfort, this gentle yet effective salve is easy to make and apply.

Diatomaceous Earth
Coconut Oil

Take a 1 tbsp or coconut oil and 1 tbsp Diatomaceous Earth
Mix to a paste

Apply for instant relief! 🌿

Elyse ComerfordComment