A 'healthy' approach to your health


How are you feeling about your current health approach?

As we have entered the New Year, a common approach many people take is by creating extravagant and difficult to maintain new years resolutions. We see many people taking this approach at the clinic and/or have had a history of taking this approach without any luck, with more stress and their health actually becoming worse. Here at Well Belly we believe in taking a ‘healthy’ approach to your health. This is a multifaceted approach, including everything from your diet to mindset, wellbeing and social life. We believe in creating healthy habits instead of resolutions. 

Some red flags to look for with your current health approach may look like-

  • Feeling overwhelmed with what you are trying to implement

  • There is an underlying feeling of guilt and shame that is motivating your change

  • You are using ‘will power’ as the main driving force to your approach.

  • The time and energy that you are putting into your approach is causing other areas of your life to suffer.

  • Your health approach if negatively impacting your relationships

  • Decision making around food is becoming difficult and you find yourself feeling more stressed and anxious.

Weight loss-

When it comes to health and wellbeing people tend to go straight into focussing about weight loss and the number they see on the scale. While this can be an indicator of something you need to work on in order to be healthier, it shouldn’t be the sole focus. This can often lead you to negative thoughts and emotions towards foods and your self image as a whole. The most common mistakes when trying to lose weight are also the things that people most commonly do when trying to lose weight! Unfortunately the popular weight loss approaches have it very wrong. 

There is a healthy approach to weight loss, and most of the time you will find when you start implementing new healthy approaches and habits into your life your body will find homeostasis and your weight will return to being in a healthy range for you. 

Restriction, deprivation, guilt, blame and shame has never made any one healthier. 

At the @wellbellyhealthclinic we focus on finding the root cause, and treating your body as the intelligent being that it is rather then something that needs to be punished!

Weightloss red flags-

  • Focussing on a decrease in caloric intake

  • Restricting yourself and using blame, shame and guilt 

  • Making food restriction and exercise the primary focus

  • Ignoring the impact that gut health has on fat storage

  • Ignoring the impact our hormones have on weight gain

  • Not working on addressing liver health

Creating a healthy relationship with food-

Creating a healthy relationship with food is a really important part of having a healthy approach to your health and wellbeing. Sometimes this unhealthy relationship needs to be worked on before you can continue on your health journey to ensure you are setting yourself up for success and a stress free health/healing journey. 

Signs you have an unhealthy relationship with food-

  • You feel guilty after eating something

  • You get overwhelmed thinking about what is ‘good’ and ‘bad’ to eat

  • You avoid eating in front of people

  • You feel as though one food choice can ‘ruin everything’ and you will need to start again

  • You believe that willpower is needed in order to change your diet

If you feel you need help navigating your health, and creating healthier habits for yourself feel free to book a consultation with one of our practitioners here.

We have some fantastic programs coming up to start this year, each of which is targeted to an individual aspect of creating a ‘healthy’ health approach for yourself. Have a look at these programs here!